Join IODA for our inaugural Journal Club – a global initiative exploring the science of diversity!📚🔬
When: Tuesday 30th January 2024 at 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 9pm GMT
Featured Articles:
1. ‘Racial and Sex Disparities in Resident Attrition in
Orthopaedic Surgery'
Authors: Lee Haruno, Xi Chen, Melodie Metzger, Carol Lin, Milton Little, Linda Kanim, and Selina Poon
2. ‘The role of Gender in Operative Autonomy in Orthopaedic Surgical Trainees (GOAST).' Authors: Samantha Downie, Jennifer Cherry, Jennifer Dunn, Thomas Harding, Deborah Eastwood, Sarah Gill, Simon Johnson.
Stay tuned for exciting announcements as we reveal our line up of speakers and moderators!
Join our free Journal Club by registering here: